Justin Bieber GO HOME AND STAY !

You lil punk ass…… stay outta the states and crawl back _the sh– hole u came out of jerk !

justin bierber…rot in jail

this lil punk ass should get the very max penaties but doubtfully he will learn a lesson !  the jerk is the next Lindsay lohan and his day will come

Justin bieber rot in jail

its about time that lil punk a—— learned a lesson in life !  I hope the  judge tosses his ass in the slammer for the max penalty which he deserves even more so than Lindsay Lohan

duck dynasty… kardashians

puke…puke…puke……… get this garbage off the airwaves please

freedom of speech and DUCK DYNASTY ?

freedom of speech and DUCK DYNASTY ?.

phil on duck dynasty

phil on duck dynasty.

phil on duck dynasty

as I do not agree with you on the gay issue you seem to have, I do feel everyone is entitled to their opinion and right to live as they like and that includes you Dude.  However I vehemently an opposed to you being denied your right to free speech and in my opininon you guys should tell the network to take a flying leap up where the sun don’t shine and be better off without those bigot m—–k—ks.

freedom of speech and DUCK DYNASTY ?

freedom of speech and DUCK DYNASTY ?.

freedom of speech and DUCK DYNASTY ?

not hardly in America anymore thanks to our politicians and those rich fucks in power who deprive of everyone of our rights as guaranteed by our Constitiuon.  for example CBS goes way back to getting rid of Walter Kronkite and others who don’t share their view points as to being the so called politically correct.  Everyone is guaranteed their op-onion to free speech whether those dumb asses like it or not.  If they don’t then get the hell outta Dodge ! As for the duck dynasty network…… if the foo shits wear it u morons.  the movie 1984 now exists…….. beware America… just watch your backs at all times…

Scientology is BS

Leah Remini called it right  !  I took the basic course and laffed at the fools when I was handed a tin can with a string attached and they

told me they would get a reading if I held it.  What a bunch of brain dead idiots if they even begin to think I will believe that crap !  Its  nothing more than an attempt to brainwash and soak you for all the  cash they can get outta you.  I for one are not as dumb and stooped

as they look